“You cannot cheat with food. You eat food.” – Robb Wolf When I read those words I had one of those a-ha moments because for as long as I have been talking to people about food and what they should and should not eat, it drives me crazy every time I hear someone say “I…
Food Thoughts: The Art of Mindful Eating
The other day someone asked me “Do you eat salad every day?” To which I replied “I do. Don’t you?” I sometimes forget that most people don’t eat a pound of vegetables a day. A lot of people don’t even really give much thought to what they eat on any day. And I get…
Chicken, Strawberry, Blueberry Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing
It’s June and on the West Coast that means two things: the unofficial start to summer and the official start to berry sesason; strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and later on blackberries. I just happen to live about 10 blocks south of one of the most prolific berry growing regions on the Lower Mainland in an area called…